100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We want our potential customers to be able to purchase our products with the full knowledge that we stand behind them and strive to make them a returning customer. If you are dissatisfied with your coffee, we will gladly offer a full refund on your first order with no questions asked; you can even keep the coffee.*

If this is not your first order with us, we unfortunately cannot offer refunds or returns for the coffee since it is a perishable good. If you are dissatisfied with your latest coffee selection, please contact us immediately so that we may attempt to rectify the situation. We will never let a dissatisfied customer leave our company without trying to make things right, our business depends on you and your satisfaction.

*This policy covers up to one (1) 12oz bag of coffee plus shipping for your first order.

Shipping Damage

If for any reason your order arrives to you in damaged condition, please do not open it!

In order to confirm shipping damage, please take pictures of any/all damaged packages upon delivery. We cannot accept returns or issue refunds for shipping damage if we do not have proof of shipping damage. Once you have taken pictures, you may proceed to open your package if you so choose to verify the integrity of the contents inside. If you choose not to open the damaged package, please proceed to contact us at support@northwindscoffee.co and include all pictures.

Time is of the essence, we can only offer refunds within 48 hours of delivery.

Merch and Accessories

We offer a 100% refund for all standard merch and accessories for sale on our website. Standard goods do not include custom orders or "made-to-order" products. Please see each individual product page for more info. If you are dissatisfied with your order, please contact us at support@northwindscoffee.co within 7 days of delivery.

Please be sure to check your order during checkout. We do not accept returns for products ordered in the wrong size or color.

We do not accept returns or issue refunds for "made-to-order" products. Please see each individual product page for more info.