In a world where friendships are forged through shared experiences and passions, there's something truly magical about the camaraderie that forms over a steaming cup of coffee. And so, from the roots of a lifelong bond between two friends, an extraordinary journey began—a journey that led to the birth of Northwinds Coffee Company.

Founded in 2023 by friends Jon and Jonah, Northwinds Coffee Company is a private label coffee brand based out of the Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Our goals are simple, but important: to be a beacon of authenticity in a world that sometimes rushes past the simple pleasures, and don’t make anything you wouldn’t enjoy yourself.

We pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to delivering excellence and to bringing you the highest quality coffee possible. Each of our coffees score 80 points or higher on the 100-point Q-scale, qualifying them as specialty grade coffee.

Collaborating with importers who share our dedication to exceptional taste, we've sourced beans that encapsulate the essence of their origins.

Through our own experience combined with the expertise of our roaster in Florida, we've unlocked the hidden symphony within each bean, producing creations with rich flavors and enticing aromas.

Northwinds Coffee Company stands as a testament to relentless pursuit, a labor of love that brings you the epitome of coffee enjoyment. Each cup we brew is a tribute to the journey where companionship grew into a common desire to make a better product, to connect cultures, to unite people, and to remind us all that the best stories are often written when sipping from a mug.

So, raise your cup and join us in celebrating the love of coffee and the extraordinary friendships that fuel the soul of Northwinds Coffee Company.